Tuesday, May 11, 2010

today I smile because...

*It is the birthday of one of the sweetest, most wonderful friends I've ever had. #luvchris

*I have several crafty-type projects going that I'm excited about.

*I finally finished making this damn geometry test last night.

*While my aching back tries to remind me of my age, in so many ways, I feel younger than I have in a long time.

*I am reading so many wonderful books right now.

*Rich never leaves for work without hugging me and kissing me and telling me he loves me. 

*The munchkins woke up happy, and the morning routine went uncharacteristically smoothly.

*Only 96 days! 

*Max started his soccer season last night (his first time playing on a team), and while he was nervous at first because he didn't know any of the kids on his team, he ended up really enjoying himself.

*I am listening to Annie hum away to herself as she sits taking that damn geometry test.

*It's nearly 9:30, I haven't made the bed...and yet the sky hasn't fallen. :P


  1. *It's nearly 9:30, I haven't made the bed...and yet the sky hasn't fallen. :P

    seriously? damn, I have to try that some time! heh

  2. Aw, this post just made me smile :D I'm excited about your crafty projects too! I want to know all about them!! Yes, yes 96 days!! And Max is playing soccer?? I didn't know that!! I used to play soccer too in elementary school. I loved it! And I think the happiest of all is the last one! Good for you for letting some pressure off of yourself...that makes me happy :)
