Monday, August 9, 2010

and the award goes to...

Me!!! Yes, I was given a blogger award...from myself! Yes, and if I was talented enough, I'd even make myself a little button.

Yes, I've been given the Pathetic Blogger Award! I'm ever so deserving, wouldn't you agree? :D

And I'm going to continue living up to the honor for the next week, at least. So much to do this week in preparation for our stay-cation. (This is the very bestest kind of stay-cation, too---because we have a very much-loved friend coming to enjoy it with us! Yes, in fact, he is the very inspiration for it!)

Anyway, it's not so much that I mind not posting, but I always hate it when I get in these slumps where I don't get to read other people's blogs. Not that anyone minds, I know...we *all* go through these periods. Just bums me out. You know, because everyone's off talking about really cool stuff and reading all kinds of interesting books and making and growing awesome things...and I'm missing it all. :(  I could look at it as having all these great things to look forward to in a few weeks when life slows back down, but face it, one can never catch back up when you get that far behind. At least not if you're a Pathetic Blogger like me. ;)

But, in the spirit of awards, I'm going to pass this on the only blogger I know who is more pathetic than darling husband, who last posted in March. Hey, sweetie--your first ever blog award. :)


  1. You know what, Debi? STOP!!! Put down that scrub brush right now!!! I'm so serious!! Please please please!!! There really is no need to go on this obsessive cleaning spree. All I care about is the people in that wonderful house of yours :) So please kick back and enjoy yourself and relax for a little while. Promise me that!!

  2. hey! Com'on get happy! Chris is on his way!!!!!!

  3. Your whole post made me laugh!!! I would offer to make that button for you but I have no clue either!! LOL...have a great time with Chris!

  4. I am definitely the worst blogger are not even close. And listen to your friend Chris will you?

  5. If I ever make it there to visit you, I'm going to arrange it all secretly with Rich and surprise you, so that you don't drive yourself crazy with preparations. Also, can Mathie haz that award too? I think he's got you and Rich both beat ;)
